Exams, recognition and yay promotions?
It is now Week 3 of my 4-week exam study plan and the panic is sort of starting to set in (at the disco). I guess it's good that I have a one-on-one meeting first thing tomorrow morning with the guy who knows how this exam works...hopefully he will be helpful and let me know if I'm doing anything wrong... Man, this exam is annoying. Again. Bah!
In more pleasant news, the Harry Potter forum on which I am a co-moderator,
The Dark Mark, announced today that I won Staff Member of the Month for August! That completely made my day, gave me the warm fuzzies and all that. :D It's always great hearing that your efforts are appreciated. I don't normally win things like that because usually I either don't have enough time, or I prefer to just keep my involvement at a minimum. But since I became a moderator, I've felt it is my duty to help out when I can, and mostly it's been pretty fun. :D
( click here to read about my extreme awesomeness ;) )Hopefully I'll still be able to do as well when I start going back to work...
Yeah, that's another thing that's worrying - after the exam is over, we all have to go back to work. And this job - it's like every day is a new job, and every year it gets harder. I'm gonna be a Senior Accountant when I go back, which will definitely be new... More responsibilities, less time to do it in... yeah, I'm not looking forward to that at all.
EDIT (09/02/08): Added the actual text of the post that caused the warm fuzzies. ;)
Labels: exams, fandom, harry potter, work